Did you know that you can choose WISE behavior?

Let me explain.

Your daily decisions and choices make you who you are. The amount of water you drink, the choice of foods you eat, the supplements you take, and the exercise you get, all add up to WISE behavior. Water- Intake- Supplements- Exercise.

WISE Behavior.

We create our future by making good choices.

My sister recently celebrated a monumental birthday. We were discussing the effects and consequences of such a celebration. We laughed as we shared just how much we were beginning to look like our mother. Now don’t get me wrong, our mother was beautiful. But she is our MOTHER. We talked about how healthy we feel when we eat right and exercise regularly, how we look better when we are rested and hydrated and how our attitude is positive when we have a proper self-awareness.

As a fitness trainer and personal life coach, I have clients hire me for one of these three reasons:

Excitement: I want to get healthy and feel good about myself again.

Focused: My life and health are in jeopardy, and I need to make changes. I need accountability.

Desperate: I need a quick fix! I have a wedding, reunion, or vacation in a few weeks. I don’t know how I got into this condition, but I need help!

Join me on this 21-Day WISE Behavior journey to become the best version of you. The discipline and accountability will set you on a new course of behavior.

As I have written this book, I have done so with you in mind. My hope is that you will apply the truths and resources found in this book to begin a life of WISE behavior.

Enjoy the Journey,
